Of COURSE the most impressive thing to happen this holiday is the birth of Samantha Skye. But we'll let Shea & Angel fill you in on that. Here's our version of the Holidays...
The Christmas Season started out with Gretchen's FIRST BIRTHDAY. (FYI - she likes cake)

We were very excited to have snow AND Britton & Matia the week before Christmas. We had lots of fun hanging out and playing.
Here's Matia & Uncle Shea trekking up the sledding hill, & Ella THRILLED to be a big girl that can go down by herself:

Gretchen didn't recognize her daddy & was very sad & cold. Krista took her to the car shortly after this (after a single tear slid down her cheek. Very pitiful. Poor baby).
Christmas Eve was spent making gingerbread cookies. (It's like we're in a freakin Norman Rockwell painting. We know.)

Don't worry, Ella & Matia made princesses. Phew! We thought someone would forget that ALL THINGS MUST BE PRINCESS.

Uncle Ian flew in Christmas Day. We celebrated by stealing the Massa's Wii & playing Guitar Hero (if the mic looks familiar, it's because it's from Ella's High School Musical Karaoke game. Sweet.)

Grandpa took the kids out for some wholesome activities (pelting small children with snow).

We did take a family picture (Tyler & Meghan will be photoshopped in later), but you'll have to ask Shea to post that. Till then, this should tide you over:

Then we said, "Forget the snow, we're going to the beach." And because we're awesome parents, we let Gretchen run around in her diaper. You can't see the other beachgoers in this pic, but they were all wearing winter coats & caps. Nerds!

Then we took our monkeys to see the Monkeys at the San Diego Zoo.

Ella braved the polar bear exhibit (she was really worried they'd be walking around & eating children. But they weren't.)

Then we rode a fancy sky basket across the zoo & spat upon the people below us.

Grethchen wasn't too impressed.

So we made her pose for this picture:

We had SO MUCH FUN staying at Uncle Aaron's house. Look at all the cool toys they have (she's a Princess Storm Trooper!) "Oh Darth, you're HILAROUS!"

Lets plan to take over the universe together! But first, a little quiet time...

We heart Auntie Autumn! Gretchen is saying, "Yay! Thanks for driving down to the OC (don't call it that) to see us!"

Poppa Randy & Nanna Joy made us brunch. (Dude, this is why we come visit. Free food.)

And fun in the playpen in the closet!

And really, words are not necessary for how awesome visiting family is:

And after that, we were tired:

So now we are home, the car is finally cleaned out, and we're ready to Rock 2009. Thanks for being awesome, dear family of ours!!!
Ella's special message: ftyuigvbncgttttttklmbvcxzaqwsedfrhgjkloiuughnhtygbvcxzgtg5hjjbggt6jkdfhjmnffdr5tyuilpo
Interpretation: All will be anyone knows that be in force will be nobody's answer.
Interpretation Of The Intrepretation: Ella likes to pretend to type.
PS - 10 points if you can find the Arrested Development reference.