Ella has recently waxed nostalgic about her former life in the Emerald City. I'm surprised how much she remembers, considering she was only two years old (one month shy of 3 when we moved.)

What Ella Remembers
I liked the tree on the wall in my room. There was a sun on the ceiling. We had wooden floor. I had my pink sparkley pony there. I had my toy shopping cart and it broke one time. I want to see Lucy Jane.

I recently had a dream that the new owner of the old house tore it down & all that was left were our beautiful granite tile counter tops. I was so sad. I'm thinking it's time for me to let it go. What do you think? (Ella decorating Colby's birthday cake circa '07 below).

By the time Colby graduates school, Ella will have lived half her life in Nevada. Gretchen has never lived anywhere else but with Grandma & Grandpa. (Ella is already upset that we won't live with grandparents forever. She told Grandma that when she grows up and gets married, she's moving in with them. Ha ha.) And though I'm looking forward to having our own place, not feeling like such a sponge taking advantage of the in-laws hospitality, and Colby getting a REAL JOB (WOO HOO!!!), I'm also already getting sad about leaving Reno. People, what is wrong with me?
One more thing, Colby's taken up the Gentle Art of Ju Jitsu. Ella is SUPER EXCITED for when she's five and can start learning the Gentle Art of Ju Jitsu herself. She asks Colby every time he leaves when she can learn. This week she also asked, "You're going to Ju Jitsu? Are you going to do a lot of tricks there?" I hope he's learning tricks like this:

Ella want's y'all to know her phone #. She typed it just for you: