I finally found my camera cord, so I can upload pictures again.
Boxes are fun!

Grandma left on Friday. It's official. Grandma and Grandpa don't live here anymore. This is how we feel about their absence:

(Except for that happy person on the end. That must be Gretchen thinking about candy. I think I'm the disembodied head. So overcome with emotion that I've lost my lower-half.)
We met Anita for lunch on Thursday before she left. There were lots of kisses and hugs.

And because we couldn't stand to let her go just yet, we met her at a friends and had pizza together. This friend got one of those new swim spas. I WANT I WANT I WANT. Seriously. It's at the top of my list. As soon as we get our own house, I'm getting one. Gretchen was SO into it. As you can see:
In other news....
Do you ever have those dreams where your teeth are falling out? I do. ALL. THE. TIME. It doesn't help that I've actually knocked my front teeth out before. And that the endodontist told me that, "It could easily happen again." So imagine my joy when Ella shows me her loose teeth. (Seriously, I may throw up. I get light-headed every time she wiggles them. And the dentist gave us a 2 week deadline to get them out ourselves. I'm supposed to TWIST THEM. Ugh. UGH! I can't handle that. COLBY HELP!!!!)
Gretchen is convinced that her teeth are loose too.