I'm not going to whine about the overwhelming list of things I had to do this week, or the amount of work I had (I think I whine about those two things every post.) Most days I feel like I'm either taking care of the girls or working, no down-time to myself (wait, I'm whining, but it's going somewhere, really!) Yesterday I decided to take a night off. It was wonderful. I finished a craft and then went to bed. Oh heaven! Then today I took advantage of my Sunday work-free time to document the crafts we've done in our MOPS group this year. Take a look if you're feeling crafty!
We've been working on Ella's science fair project. I was really proud of us when we came up with our experiment idea. They'd had a demonstration at school of what happens when you drop Mint Mentos into Diet Coke. She was pretty impressed with the explosion that resulted. We decided to see if we could find any other candy that would make soda explode. Fun, right? Then a few weeks ago we were at Girl Scouts and I was talking to another mom. I asked what they were doing for their experiment. THEY HAD THE EXACT SAME PLAN. Luckily the girls are in different classes. Though the other mom said, "You know, if we're doing it, chances are another 10 people will too..." So we're going to have to totally sell our experiment with a fantastic display board. Yesterday we picked up the last of our candy and went to an empty field. It's a good thing we didn't try it in the kitchen. I'll share the pictures next week. And you should go invest $2 in some Mint Mentos and Diet Coke. Or look at the million youtube videos dedicated to that awesomeness.
This week I listened to "The Road" as an audio book. Wow. That is one powerful book. It's really dark, but I loved it. If you haven't read it, skip this next part:
The whole time I was thinking, "The mom was totally right. They should have just all killed themselves before they were raped and cannibalized!" Especially when they went to that old house with all the people in the basement! But by the end I had completely switched my opinion. The fact that Cormac McCarthy was able to fill a book with such horrific and vivid details and still convince me that their painful struggle for life was worth it proves his mastery as a writer. The book is powerful and beautifully written.
Another thing that struck me was while listening to the brutality of their degenerate "society", I kept thinking, "No, this couldn't REALLY happen, right? God wouldn't let that happen." But it could. And it did. We have a scriptural record of this happening (Moroni 9: 7-10). So of course it could happen again. And though "The Road" is fiction, like all good stories, it makes you wonder about what choices you'd make with your life. If you knew that was in store for your little children, what would you do? Also, I need to go order about 5000 lighters and 50 extra pairs of shoes now.
Ella just came out of her room and jogged a circle around our apartment. I think she's still asleep. She's sleep-jogging! I'd better go take care of that and stop worrying about offing-myself before I get cannibalized by apocalyptic survivors.
(She just came back out and sat down at the kitchen table. Colby led her gently back to bed. I think the sleep-traveling is mostly over for the night...)
Do you kids ever do weird stuff like that in their sleep?