The girls helped Grandpa in the yard when he got home every night, then sat with him while he watched the basketball games and asked about 1,000 questions (I don't think either of them had seen a basketball game before. The only sport that's on in our house is football. The real football. You know, the soccer kind.)

I met up with my book-by-mail book club pals Britt and Jeanette, though I didn't think about getting out the camera till AFTER Jeanette had left. Thanks for meeting us Britt & J!

We went to the Hogle Zoo, where the highlight of our whole trip was watching the gorilla pick his nose and then eat it. (You could hear the delighted screams of disgusted children for miles.)

And, for the first time in 14 years, I stepped foot back on BYU campus. (Apparently I graduated and never looked back. Though I did have fun while there and met people who I'll love forever.) I took the girls to the bookstore where Ella picked up a new chapter book. (She carries it everywhere with her now & tells people it's a "College Book" since she bought it at the University Bookstore.) Gretchen picked out a lovely picture for her room. Then we visited the library, where Gretchen almost punctured a hole in the gigantic globe in the cartography department, then we visited the Fine Arts Building where Gretchen almost knocked over some BFA Student's pottery exhibit, then we visited the museum where she hopped from one bench to another singing "Jin-Gle (hop) BELLS (hop) Jin-GLE (hop) BELLS!!!! (hop) JINGLE ALL THE (hop) WAAAAAAAAAAY!!!!" while the other patrons attempted to view Carl Bloch's paintings of Christ. Then we went to the Sculpture Garden and yelled at ducks.

In an attempt to cut down on whining and keep Gretchen in her seat (since she can now unbuckle herself) I handed her the camera. This is what she looked at for the 8 hour drive home. No wonder they both go crazy in the car:

Instead of doing laundry when we got home, we celebrated with friends at the mall....

...and had a Preschool Easter Egg Hunt & BBQ.

The best part of Easter (besides, you know, going to church & thinking about Jesus) is black jelly beans. I've got a WHOLE BAG all to myself because no one else likes them. (Gretchen told me they look like poop and taste like poop. And look like poop. The whole preschool is going through a potty-talk phase together. It's lovely.)
Gretchen ran around so much this week that she told me her face was leaking. (It was sweat). Nothing says fun like a sweaty, flushed cheeked three year old.
Now I think I'll take a nap. What are YOU up to?