1. This week Gretchen got really mad at me. I think I made her sit still so I could brush her hair, or some unforgivable like that. She was furious as only a 3 year old can be. She thought of the worst, most hateful thing she could say to me to convey her emotions.
Gretchen: When I grow up I'm going to move out and get MY OWN HOUSE and MY OWN CAR, and I won't live with you AND YOU WILL BE SAD!!!
Me: (Not quite overcome by horror as she expected) That's right, sweetie. That's what happens when you grow up. You move into your own house and get your own car. You can get married and have your own family.
Gretchen: And Ella can have her out house and her own family too?
Me: Yes!
Gretchen: And you can come over and visit me at my house?
Me: Sure, that would be so fun!
(Anger forgotten. Hair brushed. Drama over.)
2. When we went to the $1 store, I let Gretchen pick out anything she wanted from the whole store. Anything. What did she pick out? Wound tattoos. Fake tattoos of scabs, stitches, pencils through your thigh, nails piercing your flesh, etc. When we got home I gave her a wet washcloth and she happily applied horrific flesh wounds to her entire body. "I want this one on my neck!" (I stopped the face tattoo. But she did have a huge hickey on her neck all week...) Later that day I asked if she'd like to wear tattoos like that for Halloween. She said, "Yes! I can be a zombie princess!!!" I was super excited about that idea! But then she decided to be Jesse from Toy Story. So instead of this:

We'll have this:

Se la vie. (I'm kind of sad about it. I was really excited about making a zombie princess costume. Come on, how awesome would that be? Sigh...)
3. Ella and Gretchen both swam without floaties this week! It took a lot of peer pressure (mostly seeing a little kid 1/2 their size doing it. Then they realized that having your feet off the bottom of the pool does NOT result in immediate death.) Hooray for the girls!!!
Ella was home the last 1/2 of the week with an ear infection. Let's just say that I'm REALLY HAPPY she's feeling better, and that I am so so SO thankful for a school with nice teachers that make learning fun. Because dude, I do not make learning fun. Colby had to step in at one point when we were working on her packet of missed work. "You're driving your mom crazy right now, so I'm going to help you now..."
That's what happened this week. What about you?