These boots were made for walking through the geriatric cat room. Yeah, it smells funky! So what?
We visited the dogs too. They were loud. It made it easier to leave them at the Humane Society. (If even your crazy loud three year old is overwhelmed by a dog's volume, that is one LOUD DOG.)

Here, lets quit yelling at Loud Rocky the Chihuahu and hang like monkeys from this random bar. Ok!

But not every morning is free now. Gretchen had her first week of preschool. It's at Mrs. G's house and it is SO FUN! They have a circle rug and cubbies for their backpacks and tables with their seats labeled. It's very official. Gretchen approves. To celebrate, she wore her "Linus Hates Reno" t-shirt. (She likes to keep you guessing. Wait, does she like me? Does she not like me? Is she going to leave a mark?)

Then we met our friend at the Coconut Bowl. A whole cheese pizza to ourselves and a 3-story play area to play hide & seek in? Yes please!

On Friday, after Girl Scouts, we drove up to our friend's campsite at Donner Lake to have a barbeque and campfire. It was everything good about camping without having to, you know, actually camp. It is ah-mazing how dirty four children can get in less than 20 minutes. But so pretty. Look at these little angels.

CRAFTING NEWS: I had a sewing day with my friend Shawna & we made lovely pennant banners. I am so in love with them. I hung them in the girls room. LOVE. Ella is not quite as impressed. She just wants to chill on her bed and read her book (she is SO my daughter!)

So Ella's tooth has been hanging. HANGING. for the past three weeks. She won't let us near it. Remember last time? Yeah, this child does not like change. Or wiggling her teeth. Finally tonight we got her to work on it a little. I told her that if she doesn't yank it out by tomorrow night, that's what we'll be doing for our Family Home Evening Activity. "Tonight we're going to learn about PLIERS! Yay!" I'll update you next week on our progress...