Middle: Krista-The-Cute-One, Amber-The-Hottie, Jayci
Bottom: Jamie, Angel-The-Party-Animal, Colby-How-Did-He-Get-Roped-Into-Doing-Something-"Stupid"-Like-This, and Noel (yes, that's him, just with his hair in his face)
And the other gem we found:

(Some super sweet ones from Colby's wedding reception. Becky & Illiyana with Noel)
We need to pick names for Christmas. We'll do it Thanksgiving Weekend & let y'all know. If you want to manipulate the selection process, send an email to Krista or Apryl & we'll make sure to "fix it".
Super awesome amazing blog y'all! From what I heard, you wanted to share the blog to keep in touch. Great idea. I also have a blog but it is private as well so if you want an invite, send me an email at alicia2romania@yahoo.com. It will be fun to keep in touch this way! It is nice to be related to such a fun, funny family.
Apryl, don't you have us for Christmas this year?
maaan, i love my family!!!
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