A few days ago I asked Ella to come down for lunch. Instead of happily obliging, she threw herself down at the top of the stairs and sobbed.
"What's wrong!?!" I asked (not really concerned as drama is frequent around my child).
"I never got to see Santa deliver presents!"
"Santa doesn't come till all the kids are asleep. Santa comes and brings you presents every year! You don't get to see Santa. If you see him, you won't get any presents!"
"But I want to see him!"
"Are you worried he won't know what you want for Christmas? Is that why you want to see him?" (Because in order to get the drama to stop, you must find the root of the problem & solve it).
"Yes" (big sniff, tears rolling down cheeks).
"Ok, we can write Santa a letter to let him know what you want. What are you going to ask him to bring?"
"A ball for Cooper" (Cooper is Aunt Amber's dog. He visits every Sunday. He eats balls.)
"So if we write a letter to Santa telling him you want a ball for Cooper then you'll come downstairs and eat lunch?"
Problem solved. And she got to tell him herself at the party, so we didn't even have to write him a letter...
Incident #2
"Ella, did you get my book from upstairs?" I asked?
"No, Mom, I forgot."
"Can you please go get it?"
"No, I'm a Magical Fairy. Magical Fairy's don't get books."
"Stop laughing. Mom. Stop laughing."
"Mom. Stop laughing or I'll turn you into a frog."
Said to baby sister, "Jump little frog!"
Beware the wrath of Magical Fairy Ella. And she doesn't get books. Magical Fairy s don't get stuff.
Incident #3
After Book Of Mormon Stories recap, Ella style, "The Book Of Mormon was brought to you today by the number 7 and the letter L."
In Other News
Yesterday was Ella's party at her preschool. It was pretty cute, all the teachers manned "stations" where the kids could do an activity (make Christmas Cards, ornaments, play a dreidle, etc.). Moms & Dads got to come. Baby Sisters got to come. But the big draw was Santa.
Here Gretchen is thinking: Crap, I'm not cool with this...
No subtitle needed:
Gretchen escaped to a different room while Ella played maraccas for her teacher.
And then she made out with her friend in the phone booth. Altogether, a typical day.
Magical Fairies have a particular aversion to books about vampires, so I'm sure Ella was just being true to her nature. You go Fairy Girl.
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