Now for the rest of the news...
Gretchen has learned how to climb on the top of the kitchen table. First she hauls herself on top of the chair, hoisting her little belly with very un-babylike grunts. From there she can easily crawl on the table. When at last atop the table she does a little dance. It would be so cute if it weren't terrifying for her poor mother.
Gretchen has learned how to climb on top of the toilet. And put all the toothbrushes in her mouth. (No, we don't keep the toothbrushes on the toiled. Gross. They're in a storage shelf/basket thingee hung above the commode.) One more reason to keep the bathroom door shut. Also, she like to go in & get TP to blow her nose with. And that's why there's little shredded pieces of TP all over the house. Awesome, right?
Gretchen has learned how to "Rocking Chair Surf". Directions: Climb on top of rocking chair using lower support bar too boost baby belly onto seat. Stand. Rock back and forth with arms held out. Fall, but only backwards.
Gretchen has learned how to crawl into Ella's booster seat/highchair. And then stand on it. And then laugh. Mom found a new gray hair yesterday.
Gretchen has learned how to climb down the stairs. Phew. That one, at least, is progress toward a "safe" behavior. Not the slightly suicidal things she attempts every other 5 minutes...
Ella's Message To Her Cousins: I love my cousins. When I see them again I want to play with them and I want to have fun. I will play nicely. That's all that I want to say.
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