I have finished almost all my freelance work & took a WHOLE WEEK off with no projects. It was amazing. But also amazing because my time management skillz go away as soon as the pressure is off. I'm re-doing my board book proposal this week so we can submit it to some new publishers all re-vamped & pretty, so hopefully that will help me focus & stay off of hulu.com watching old "Buffy The Vamplire Slayer" episodes and "Daily Show" clips. (Also, I finished the last 10 episodes of Battlestar Galactica, so maybe that will help me focus a little better... You know, since I know what happens to Starbuck & what that whole "Opera House" thing was about)
My question posed to you, dear family, is why Ella will let her preschool teacher do THIS to her hair....

...and yet she will barely let me BRUSH it? (See her mocking me with her playful wink below. "Ha ha Mom! Miss Valerie is amazing! Too bad for you! Ha ha!"

We love daylight savings. Look at this. Ella can give her dad attitude in the backyard before dinner!

And Gretchen can demand to be pushed on the swing some more. (Look at that face, can you deny her love?)

Friday was Colby's birthday. We went to eat some delicious chinese food. Ella was astoundingly capable with her chop sticks. So was Auntie Krista. But dude, Ella ate noodles with those sticks. I don't think I could do that.


(Note the vintage necklace used to accessorize her Arsenal uniform. You know, cause nothing says, "Football" like a little Doris-Day-Bling.)

Oh Grandpa, we like sitting next to you. You give us our OWN PLATE.

Happy Birthday Colby! Here's to shocking your classmates even MORE with your advanced age. (Dude, you're HOW old?!?)

Brave Anita sampling the authentic chinese Dreyer's Ice Cream.

Cloud of smoke in livingroom after blowing out all the candles we had (note, it was not the correct amount. But the cake was from scratch. Does that make up for it?)

And lastly this week, Ella did my hair. Tah duh! Maybe I should go see Miss Valerie.

So what have you been up to?