And it was a very hard secret-keeping week for us. We threw a surprise party for the Most Awesome Mother In Law on Friday. I thought I blew it & gave the surprise away multiple times, but she *claims* she didn't suspect a thing. (My cover story for the large amounts of soda, chips & BBQ supplies was that we were having a "Twilight Release" party with a few friends on Saturday....).
In our preparation for the party, I discovered where Ella gets this face:

Here's Anita. See Colby? I told you she took after your side of the family!

Angel had the brilliant idea to make shirts. At first we were just going to have them say "Sexagenarian". Then it was brought up that some people might not know what "Sexagenarian" means. So Shay suggested this addition:

Ella didn't find out that all her Stott cousins were going to be in town until I was sure she wouldn't run into Grandma again that day. She snuck out of gym class to confirm that her cousins were indeed on their way. And then asked me about 100 more times in the next 2 hours.
The party was awesome. There was twister (thoughtfully set up by small children directly in front of the main entrance...)

There were 59.25 green balloons (one casualty on the way back from the party shop).

There were small children trying to run off with bunches of balloons...

There were four generations in one room!

And Uncle Tyler made "Pin The Beehive On Mom". So fun. SO FUN!

The next day we decided to do something fun. And whats more fun than taking small children to a casino, right? They loved it.

Right now the Utah Stott Contingency are on their way back home. We hope they're driving safely and that the babies are sleeping. The whole way. (We can dream, right?!?)
Thanks for a fun weekend family!!! And extra special super thanks to Amber for doing most the work. GOOD JOB AMBER!
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