Here is Lake Spaulding:

Anita-The-Super-Mother-In-Law planned a wonderful camping trip at Lake Spaulding for Memorial Day. We were only going to spend one night there (because part of my new "enjoying parenting" philosophy is to "know my limits"). We had a lovely time at the lake Saturday. Gretchen, of course, loved the water. She even went on a little jet ski ride! I know! She had a super cute little baby life jacket on. Ella, of course, stayed firmly on land. Though she did stick her toes in. Whoa, Ella. Careful. You might get your knees wet!
After a delicious dinner of fried chicken*, successfully keeping Gretchen from throwing herself into the campfire, and a rousing game of cards (I read my book), we went to bed. I'd bundled the girls up in about 3 layers + stocking caps and felt mildly prepared. BUT THEN. At around 4am, I knew something was wrong. I had the stomach flu. I couldn't get out of my mummy-sleeping-bag fast enough. I spent the rest of the morning shivering in the front seat of my car so that I could avoid the gag-inducing smell of stale campfire smoke and quickly open the door when I needed to puke. It was lovely. When Colby woke with Gretchen at 7am, I said, "Dude, we need to go." And dude, we did. Then I slept 24 hours straight. Then I laid around and felt like someone had punched me in the stomach. Then I felt better. Moral of the story: I hope you never get the flu while you're camping.
*How do you make fried chicken while camping??? In your portable gas cooktop, of course! And where do you use the portable gas cooktop? On your CAMPING KITCHEN! The Stotts are serious about their camping accessories.

In other, non-whiney news, Ella's new favorite recording artist is Eartha Kitt. Her favorite song is "I Want To Be Evil".
Ella: Mom, why does she want to be evil?
Me: It's just a silly song sweetie. Do you want me to skip it?
Ella: No. Mom, why does she want to shoot the pool?
Me: No, she's not going to shoot a swimming pool, there's a game you play with balls & a table. It's called "pool". And when you play it it's called "Shooting pool".
Ella: Oh. Mom, she said she wants to throw mud pies. That isn't nice.
Me: No, that would not be a good choice. This is just a silly song.
Ella: Yeah. On the muppets they threw pies at Hermit.
Me: Kermit?
Ella: Yeah. Kermit. That was funny. But we don't throw pies.
Ella: Mom, why does she want to spit tacks? What are tacks?
Me: Ok, lets listen to something else sweetie....
Yesterday when her friend was over I went up to check on them. They were both dressed in fabulous outfits & Ella was singing, "I want an old fashioned house with an old fashioned fence, and an old fashioned millionaire".
That's right baby.
I think we need to bust out the primary songs again.
I'm trying to get in contact with Alicia because she won the giveaway today on She needs to email me today! to claim the prize before a new winner is chosen. I hope to hear from her tonight. Thanks! Cute extended family blog, by the way!
No worries Apryl, I had my kids rockin out to "Fat-bottomed girls" by Queen and "Bumblebee Tuna" by a band called Mephiskapheles (it's a ska band). Now that there's the devil's music so for a little balance I'm going to make the watch Lawrence Welk.
We have moved into a ward of "campers" and everyone wants to do it for 3 or 4 days each time. Luckily we are not interested in impressing anyone else and we enjoy our time on the lake and then hop in our own beds each night. It is like we go camping every single day, but if we get the flu we can still make it to the toilet. Sorry you were sick.
Apryl, I can think of nothing worse than the stomach flu while camping. I'm sorry your trip turned out so terrible. But the picture made it look like you were somewhere gorgeous!!
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