I got to help with the shoot. I held the "diffuser" (the soft natural light really brings out the highlights in Ryan's bowl cut, dontcha think?)
Oh Gabriella, it's so sad about your boyfriend...
I'm so proud of my husband.
This one is a little more "Raw" and "Artsy", right?

I can't wait to have these blow up to poster size. And just wait till we have our OWN HOUSE to display them! Hooray!
Gretchen spent the week keepin' it real:

And we spent the rest of the week getting ready for Ella's birthday!!! IT'S TODAY! Don't tell her, but we only got her one present. Mostly because there's 2 garbage bags full of toys that were confiscated by Colby when Ella refused to pick them up. Oh yeah, also we're poor. But the toy we did get her is AWESOME. It's a Barbie Dream "Environment". A modular home. In pink. I know.
You can go to my illustration blog to see the cool craft Ella helped me make for her party favors for her "Friend Party" on Saturday. And yeah, you'll see how I totally used the same silly story about Ella's party planning again. Because I'm turning into my Mom and tell the same story to all my friends. Again and again. I can't help it.
Stay tuned for BIRTHDAY PICTURES!!!