1. pick her up, and
2. give her the camera.

Here's the same sentiment with different cropping.

We know what happened LAST TIME I gave her the camera. She is not pleased when I frustrate her plans. It helps to lower her to a carpeted floor and walk away while she writhes and screams. Also, earplugs might be a good investment.
On Thursday Gretchen got to come with me to Ella's classroom to "volunteer". There are LOTS of bins in Ella's classroom. Bins of sponges. Bins of markers. Bins of buttons for counting. Bins of paintbrushes. Bins of small sharp objects that can be used as projectiles. Mostly my volunteering service was spent cleaning up the bins that Gretchen tore apart and then removing her from the classroom when her delicate sensibilities were offended. I know, I know, "Apryl, WHY didn't you 'know your limits'? Obviously taking The Gretch to Kindergarten is not a good idea. Come on!" And I knew what I was getting in to. But Ella's super awesome teacher (really, I'm not being sarcastic. She's Super Awesome. I love her and want to be her new BFF) asked me if I could help because she, "Really needed volunteers and didn't have anyone to help on Thursday, and it's totally fine to bring the baby, really!"
End result: I am no longer volunteering on Thursdays. I'll be going on Fridays when Colby can keep The Gretch. Mrs. Kindergarten Teacher swore it wasn't because of Gretchen's behavior. In fact, she started out by saying, "Ok, this really Really REALLY isn't because of the baby, but I won't need you on Thursdays anymore..."
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