We made it back from our trip to California where my sister got hitched.
Hey look, we took the girls to Olvera street and met up with family for lunch. We pretended we were in Mexico & looked at all the lovely stalls and told the girls they couldn't buy anything because we couldn't fit ONE MORE THING in the car.

Hey look! We walked through Union Station. Ella got all artistic on us and shot lots of cool pictures. Again. And now I'm making you look at them. Again.

She posed her puppy for this shot.

Bet you didn't think it could get any cuter. IT JUST DID.

I'm pretty sure this is my favorite shot she's ever taken. HOW CUTE IS THIS? Seriously.

Nice color & texture.

Remember how my sister Autumn was going to get married? Yeah, we've been excited about that. NOW SHE'S MARRIED! Yay! We met her Friday afternoon to set up for the reception. The light was pretty, so I made Colby take a picture.

Here's what Ella thinks of the Family Statue. (Also, I'm pretty sure that statue-baby was originally nursing & then got censored...)

Sure, we'll help you set up for your reception. Oh wait. We need to tie sashes around 180 chairs and hang lights? Uh, sorry, we're busy... (Thank heavens for portable DVD players.) Do Autumn's eyes look slightly glazed over? Yup. 100 more paper lanterns to assemble, 153 more sashes to tie....

Quit with the picture taking and start with the sash tying!!!

Another of Ella's photography studies, which may or may not have been digitally enhanced in photoshop because I am a nerd.

The morning of the wedding we met Autumn at her friend's apartment (where we might have accidentally stolen a curling iron), and we got The Bride ready. Adrianne made Autumn's hair real hair pretty. Then she asked, "Do you think it's ok if I wear fishnet stockings inside the temple?" Mom said it was ok. MOM SAID IT WAS OK!!! hee hee!

Then they got married and had a lovely reception. Awwwww. In the temple, the helper-ladies were overheard saying, "Wow, she's so low key!" Yup. Once we finally got everything set up, it was a low key and super awesome wedding. (I didn't take ANY PICTURES because Christiana, the Wedding Photographer Extraordinaire is so awesome, I knew I wouldn't need to. I actually stole this picture from Christy. Thanks Christy!)

Ok, I took ONE picture. Of Gretchen loving her cousin. Smooshie!

-In honor of their marriage, Autumn presented Drew with a replica of the medal that Princess Leia gave her boyz after they defeated the Death Star. She even had a case for it engraved. True love.
-Our super amazing music teacher came & played her Hammered Dulcimer. She is amazing. Did I mention how amazing Patty is? Amazing.
-Autumn's folk band played rousing hits such as the tune from "Legend of Zelda", the theme song from the ORIGINAL Super Mario Brother's game (which is now stuck in my head. Lovely.), the Ewok song (Zub Zub!!!), and more.
-Autumn was gifted with a replica Ton Ton head. It will soon be made into a bear-skin-esque throw rug. You know, to keep her warm on cold winter nights on the planet Hoth.

-I didn't mention the Video Game Themed cookies yet, did I? Tetris shapes have never tasted so good.
-I'm sure there's more awesomeness I'm forgetting. This list is not all inclusive. There was too much to remember. Every turn held new surprises.
Then Gretchen turned two. And Nanna Joy made her a cake. And hung a banner. And was generally "on the ball". Guess who forgot to even GIVE Gretchen her birthday present. (Present, as in ONE. And I still forgot to give it to her. Oh well, one more for Christmas. Get used to getting screwed over on your birthday, poor Christmas Baby...)

"Please don't screw me over! Give me presents! I'm cute!"

We're very grateful for Gretchen. She is silly and sweet. You always know where you stand with her (because if she's mad at you, YOU KNOW.) She's learning that "we are gentle with our hands" and makes better choices every day. She gives nice big hugs and pats your back. She is good at dancing, making silly faces, and singing. She tells funny jokes that we can't understand because she only knows a handful of words. She likes to go "Bye Bye" (even if Mom doesn't always like taking her bye bye...) She loves monkeys and Yo Gabba Gabba and candy. And candy. And candy. We love Gretchen!
(There's a book called "Hands Are Not For Hitting". She got it from Grandma for Christmas. Thanks Grandma!)
Hope you all had a wonderful Christmas and Hanukkah!!!
1 comment:
I seriously LOVE your girls. Happy Birthday Gretch! I loved the picture of her waiting for her Cake. She is so beautiful. I am so glad that Ella got the creativity genes from both of you and is such an amazing photographer. Is Colby tutoring her? i think she is taking better photos than I do. Um, loved hearing about your sisters wedding. I am pretty sure that it was probably the most creative wedding on the planet. Thanks for the update. We love you guys!!!!!!
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