- Gretchen got her stitches out. Gretchen's hand shook a little bit while the stitches were removed, but she held very still. The cut is healing up nicely. Our pediatrician said the ER Practitioner did an excellent job, and even though she'll have a scar, it'll be a little skinny one. Not the gaping wound I was afraid it'd be. (DUDE, WE COULD SEE HER SKULL BONE!!! I AM STILL FREAKED OUT BY THIS!!!) She is so brave. And now she's rockin' the bandaids that we plaster daily across her little forehead.
- Gretchen spilled her crackers all over my lap & the pew at church today and said, "Oh great." My baby knows how to properly use sarcasm. I'm so proud.
- We put an offer in on a condo, but found out Friday that we didn't get it. LAME. But whatever, we will persevere. And one day we'll have our very own little ghetto condo to call home. Or not. Maybe we'll just have to find a rental. I'm sick of thinking about it. So I'm not going to any more. I'm taking the night off.
-Ella can sit down and READ. A ton. It's pretty amazing. I can't really take much credit for it either. She is brilliant. Now if I could only get her to make her bed...
-I went to a Retreat with my mom's group this weekend. It was FREE. And this is what I got to look at all weekend:

That is just a picture I stole off the internet. But the view from our bedroom was almost as amazing. We were literally 20 feet from the lake. My mom's group is hosted by a Lutheran church in town, and so all the ladies were from the congregation. I met some SUPER COOL people. One nice lady invited me to go out for a run with her. After warning her that I am sooooooooooo sloooooooooooooow, and that I wouldn't be offended if she left me in her dust, I agreed. (She told me, "Speed is an ability, but endurance is a gift." Isn't that a sweet way of saying it's ok that I suck at running? I know!) We ran in the sand on the beach. Well, we ran for a little bit. RUNNING ON SAND IS HARD. Then we walked. And then it started to snow. But I had my gloves on and my hat, and IT WAS SO PRETTY. After we caught our breath, we started talking. About babies and c-sections. And then she mentioned that she was in the Peace Corps with her husband right after they got married. That is pretty much the coolest thing ever, right? She said they DIDN'T HAVE C-SECTIONS where she was. Either the mom died or the baby died. Craziness. (SO THANKFUL FOR MODERN MEDICINE. Even though the c-section rate in our country is horrible, blah blah blah, etc. STILL GRATEFUL WE HAVE THEM. And grateful I only had one.) We were out for 1.5 hours, having so much fun & talking & enjoying the view. When I finally got back to my room with my Mom's Group Peeps, they were freaking out a little big because, "No one goes running in the snow for an hour & a half!!!" But you do with when it's that pretty! (It wasn't really THAT snowy, the view was still great. Just snowy enough to make us feel super tough and awesome.)
I loved having a church service with my non-church friends. I love that the girls were so happy to see me when I got home. I love that they were all ready for church and I didn't have to do anything for them. I love that Colby was nice enough to take on his children single-handedly for 48 hours so I could have a weekend away. I love that Ella still had all her long, long hair when I got home and that Colby didn't cut it off in a fit of frustration (shout out to Amber & Grandma for brushing it in my absence! Love you too!)
I am freakin' full of love.
I hope you all get a weekend away too.
That woman's statement is now my running mantra! And, much as I hate getting outside when it's snowy, once I am OUT there I remember how awesome snow runs are. BUT the best is that long talk you had. THat is great!
ps, make sure you keep sunscreen on that scar...for the next six months or so! It will really help it to stay less noticeable if it doesn't get sunburned while it is brand new.
So I guess you love my old little neighbors because they are Lutherans too. They say great things like "it's okay that you are mormon we can still be friends because I am not a baptist."
Glad you had a great weekend away.
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