1. Mom & Dad Stott's
2. Angela's
3. My Grandpa's in Palm Desert
4. Aaron & B's
5. Alisa & Dave's
7. Back to Alisa & Dave's
8. Aaron & B's again
9. Grandma Liz's
Now we get to open a pile of mail, unpack out evergrowing pile of aquired junk, and find out WHERE THAT SMELL IS COMING FROM.
How did the whirlwind-vacation affect the girls? Beautifully. Gretchen no longer asks for bottles (we didn't bring any on the trip. And I was only giving her water in them anyway. She just likes to be a "baby".) And as an added bonus, when she meets new people she asks, "Where's my present?" We're so proud.
Colby and I went on our first vacation without kids SINCE OUR HONEYMOON. The first totally selfish, purely for our enjoyment vacation. And it was wonderful. Shout out to Mom & Alisa for watching the girls while we enjoyed life without them.
First off, turns out we got the raddest hotel in NYC.

The Algonquin was awesome. We loved it. And not only is it crap-full of history (yes, I said, "Crap full of history"), but it was right in midtown. And it's where my agent's Dad proposed to her Mom. Awwwww! And I think it was on Sex & The City. Awwwww! Plus Dorothy Parker hung out there. A lot. There was stuff about her ALL OVER THE PLACE. Including this poem, which I love:
On Being A Woman, by Dorothy Parker
Why is it, when I am in Rome,
I'd give an eye to be at home,
But when on native earth I be,
My soul is sick for Italy?
And why with you, my love, my lord,
Am I spectacularly bored,
Yet do you up and leave me- then
I scream to have you back again?
(My teenage-self is so getting this, right? Relationships are HARD!)
Our dear friends Martin & Melissa were kind enough to ditch their kid too and join us for the weekend. Melissa & I went to see this:

I am now a huge fan of Kristin. Wow. Seriously. And "that gay dude from Will & Grace, no the funny one..." was pretty great too. Very funny.
(Colby did NOT join us for the Broadway Experience. They went to a movie instead. Which was great, because I was not about to pay $70 for him to complain, "Enough with the singing!!!" and get us kicked out.)
On Saturday we did the Grand Tour of New York. Lots of lovely touristy experiences were enjoyed. We took the subway to Battery Park, walked through the Financial District, took the Staten Island Ferry to get a better (and FREE, ha ha suckers who waited in line for 2 hours and PAID to do it!) view of the Statue of Liberty.

Then we took the subway to the end of the Brooklyn Bridge and walked across.

Then we went home and relived the whole day by watching Cloverfield.
Here's where the Cloverfield Monster decapitated the Statue of Liberty:

Here's where our hapless heroes try to dodge the Cloverfield Monster by hiding in the subway. Uh oh guys! Bad idea!

And their walk across the Brooklyn Bridge was a little more exciting than ours, gosh darn it!

Good times.
We enjoyed our trip so much that Colby & I have decided to start, "living life and getting out of our bubble" a lot more. (Besides, our bubble smells right now. Seriously, where is it coming from! I already emptied the fruit bowl & ran the garbage disposal!!! Apartments are gross!)
Glad you are home, even if it stinks.
And hey, wasn't that blonde lady from your Broadway play also on Glee? She was Will's HS crush and she sings a Liza Minella song and it is awesome...
same lady?
B/c if it was, she was totally great and totally fan-worthy.
I'm just saying
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