And yes, there was another Conga Line. Woot!

With staying up dancing till the crack of 8:30 pm, you'd think Gretchen would want to sleep in a little. But no. She woke up at 5:30 on Saturday morning. Which means I got to take a SUPER CRABBY KID with me on a DAY OF FUN! Ella's girl scout troop had gathered supplies for the animal shelter. We dropped all the donations off and got a grand tour. Usually the shelter is full of an overwhelming amount of pitbulls, pitbulls and more pitbulls, but this time there was an actual variety! There was even a weiner dog (that had lost 21 lbs since being rescued. Dude! That was one fat weiner dog!) and a dalmation. Awwww! (Nothing against pitbulls. They just seem to be the dog that needs the most rescuing. Poor things.) Here's Gretchen communing with the puppies:

And Ella literally jumping up and down, she's so excited about the dogs. (I made her stop, don't worry.)

After the shelter tour, we went to an indoor inflatable toy place. (Does that even make sense? You know what I mean, don't you?) Gretchen really enjoyed the ball pool. It was just a baby pool filled with balls, so it wasn't as scary as the 3' deep ones where nasty grossness can get lost there. Just after I took this picture, guess what she said:

"Mom! Where's my gum!"
Don't worry, we found it. And I made sure all gum was properly disposed of. (I didn't even REALIZE she had gum in her mouth! Surprise!)
It snowed on Friday night. The weather reports had prepared me for a foot of snow on the valley floor. I think we may have gotten two inches. It was nice. Pretty, but quickly melting. We got to walk around in it a bit. Ella observed that when you walk on snow it, "...sounds like someone is farting." That's right, sweetheart. Now lets go make some hot chocolate.
This week we're making the trek out to Grandma & Grandpa's house. I'm attempting to finish all the Utah Stott Christmas Presents before we leave. Part of that is my annual Christmas Photo Ornament gift for Grandma & Grandpa. I'm not going to show the REAL one, just the ones that didn't make the cut:

Oh for cute.

So what are you doing for Thanksgiving?
Watching the Kids Dance, is a lovely experience, you recall your own childhood. You forget all the worries of the world and would love to see the kids dancing for as long as you can. Kids & dance, both are a kind of stress buster in today's busy & stressful life.
Can I get copies of some of those pictures of Ella and Gretch?
You done good with them Apryl...you done good.
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