It was great to host preschool. Gretchen had missed two weeks of learnin' cause she was hacking and coughing and oozing at the eyes and nose and being generally infectious. She woke up Tuesday morning with red eyes and after trying really hard not to say bad words, I called the other parents & said, "It could be pink eye. Maybe it's just her cold. We're having preschool. Risk it if you dare." They all risked it. I guess a two hour break from your toddler is worth that little roulette game. And it wasn't pink eye after all! It must have just been from her cold. CRISIS AVERTED!
After preschool, I was talking to my dear friend Becky, and she was going on and on about the most fabulous dance class our friend Katherine teaches. I've been wanting to put the girls in a dance class since I found out I was pregnant with a girl-child, and this class is pretty much ridiculously cute. But I just can't justify the minimal expense while Colby isn't working. (Just in case you're wondering, the girls now have a running tally of things they'll do when Colby gets a job. Go to Disneyland. Go out to eat. Go to ballet class. Buy Tinkerbell wings at the Disney Store. And I will join the gym so I won't have to use the scary one in our apartment complex. Oh yeah, and buy a house.) Becky was so sad that I said we wouldn't be signing up that she told Katherine about it. And then Katherine asked if I'd do a trade. OH YES I WILL!!! So now my dreams have come true. This dream here.
This dream is a FAIRY TALE DANCE CLASS. Gretchen was shy at first. That lasted about 30 seconds. Then she realized that THIS. IS. AWESOME.

Within 5 minutes she was volunteering to show the other girls how it's done.

And they all dressed up as Belle, her favorite princess this week, and acted out the story. OMG. SERIOUSLY? Yes. It was cute.

So basically, thrilled.
Ella had testing at her school a few weeks ago & we got the results back. She is doing so well in school. I'm so proud of her. I'm so grateful for her teachers. I'm so grateful for her school. I'm SO GRATEFUL I don't home school her. I know that's the best choice for some people, but not us. If I were teaching my would be bad. But since all I have to do is help with her homework, it's PERFECT. I still feel like I'm involved with her education, but I don't really have to do anything. Ta da! Genius child that still has a relationship with her mom.
While volunteering in her class this week, I came across a number of Safety Tips the kids had written themselves:
-Always swim with a buddy.
-Never stand on a swivel chair.
-Don't say bad words to a police man (one of my favorites.)
When we got home, I overheard Ella say in a dramatic voice, "Safety Tip #7: Never say, 'You are bad!!!' to your sister." Wise choice, my darling.
The sad end of our week was that a friend from church had a fire at her condo. Julie (mother to the infamous biting victim John John) arranged for us to go over and help a bit yesterday. It was awful. There was a huge hole in her roof. There was insulation and ceiling bits and broken glass and ash EVERYWHERE. We wore masks and helped pull all her daughters clothes and bedding and stuffed animals out to distribute to volunteers to wash. I've never seen anything like it. I've been lucky enough not to be in any fires. It was crazy. As soon as I walked in the door, I started crying (I know, I'm a wimp, but it was HORRIBLE.) If anyone has a broken heating lamp in their bathroom, do me a favor and get it fixed. Also, make sure you have renters insurance. Say prayers for my friend too.
So that's us. What about you?
Seriously jealous of those friends. No matter what I do, my boys just will not look that cute in tights and a leotard. Assuming I could talk them into putting on a leotard. So excited that you get to take her to ballet!! Lucky girl-child mom, you.
I meant "pictures, friend." Jealousy has invaded my typing...
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