We've now had the first sunburns of the summer. Gretchen's got a nice little tan, but poor Ella and I are just too white. The guilt mounts every time I see her little shoulders peeling. Yes, I know early sunburns can lead to skin cancer. Yes, we put waterproof sunscreen on. Twice! But it wasn't enough. Oh the guilt! I'm sorry baby. When you grow up, you can blame everything on me. Or your Dad (it is Fathers Day, after all...).
On Saturday Lismarie & I are doing a 1/2 marathon. Are you impressed? Wait till you hear the rest and then you can reassess. We are walking it. And it may take me 4 hours. I've been training. And by "training", I mean walking a few times a week. Yesterday I walked up Rattlesnake Mountain. (You may remember, we attempted a family hike last year. Hilarity ensued. In hindsight. Almost.) On the way home I cut through the Huffaker Hills.
You can go 10 minutes in any direction and be in open space. Here's a picture I stole from ExploringNevada.com. I WALKED to this lovely empty trail from my apartment. Sure, it was a 2 hour walk, but still!

No, I did not see any rattlesnakes. But then I did start to think about the conversation we had about spiders at Girls Night Out last week and started freaking myself out. Apparently I'm not as outdoorsy as I thought. (And really, I didn't think I was that outdoorsy to begin with. This post is all about reassessments.) Why do we talk about this stuff at Girls Night Out? You know when you start to think about spiders, and then you start to feel them crawling on you? Yeah. Now it's starting to happen to me again. Shoot. Time to change the topic.
Awful Awfuls at the Golden Nugget Cafe
Nice People (seriously, people are so nice here)
There's no traffic!!!!!
and the WINCO bulk section.
But despite all that we love about Reno, we will still enjoy out vacay to see Lismarie & Janeece this next week, and their prospective sidekicks. Hooray for vacations!!!
So what have you been up to so far this summer?
Apryl! Can't wait to hear how your 1/2 goes! That is awesome!
I've been to Reno just once, when i was 13 I think. Or maybe 12. So I don't know if I liked it, because we only drove through on our way to Tahoe (which we were also driving through on the way to San francisco). I do have a very vivid memory of one thing about Reno: Becky getting carsick and throwing up on the road. It totally made me hurlish, too! ;)
Oh, a half! (Look at the Allman sisters - all a flutter over running again.) You will do awesome and it will be fun.
And that is my only memory of the Reno area as well. Puking on the side of the mountain, because we couldn't actually stay in Reno, but had to drive on empty stomachs to Lake Tahoe for the cheap casino buffet breakfast. Fun times.
Sorry about the sunburns. I feel guilt every time my kids get them.
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