That's what Gretchen's new favorite saying is. So far she's told that to (as far as I know), me, her Dad, her beloved Auntie Meghan, the primary presidency and her preschool teacher. That I know of. For all I know, there's more victims. That's my girl, spreading the good news of the Gospel one little attitude at a time.
Here's a picture of our Sweet Little Missionary posing in the cape we made for her friend's birthday. It was a Super Hero Party, and his mom said he didn't have a cape. So we were happy to oblige....

TA DA!!!! (Note the awesome bed head, Belle Princess pj's and double fisted pickles. The word you're looking for is "CLASSY".)

Happy Birthday to our wonderful, sweet, darling Ella! You'll notice that she's not showing her teeth in any pictures this week. Yes, the tooth drama continues. I've tried in vain to get a shot of her snaggle tooth, hanging SIDEWAYS in the front of her mouth, but she's too fast. The other teeth are already coming in behind it, so it's making it especially hard to wiggle now. I told her that if she doesn't get it out in the next 20 minutes, we're pulling it out. I've HAD IT!
But Tuesday (Birthday Day) I was a lot nicer. We celebrated her birthday by going to Red Robin (her request). It was pretty low key because the Saturday before we'd hosted a Tie Dye Birthday Extravaganza for her and 14 of her closest friends. Did you hear that? We did tie-dye with about 16 small children. Oh, and yes, I AM crazy. But it was mostly super fun, and everything we dyed turned out so so pretty! Just in case you were wondering, we also...
-Played "Pick Pocket Tag" (google it, I'm too lazy to explain it...)
-Had a "Freeze Dance Off" (everyone won)
-Had a Dress-Up-Relay-Race (Every kid pulled a costume or accessory out of a bag and had to do a loop around the yard with it. My favorite were the Mohawk wigs and the high heels)
-Busted open our home-made pinata of a happy yellow star and....
-Took NO PICTURES OR VIDEO because I was too busy being crazy party hostess the whole time. SO SAD NOW!!!
But at least I got this little gem before Tuesday Birthday Hamburgers. Awwww...

And this one too.... AaaaaaaaaaaaawwwwwWWWWW!

And I don't have any more cute pics of Ella on her birthday because she thinks it's funny to make faces like this. Awww, come on! (I'm not sure if you can see the mocking in her eyes. "Take of picture of me with my face like this. Come on mom!!!")

She really is sweet though. Instead of saying "What? That's it?" when she ripped through her 3 presents in 5 seconds, instead she said, "Wow! That didn't take me long! I'm really good at opening presents fast!" And instead of saying, "What? You got me checkers and a DSI MATH GAME? For real?" She said, "Wow! I can use this to practice for Game Club!" and "Can I play the math game now? Or is it time for bed?" Oh sweet girl!
So what's up with you?
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