Here's what our kitchen looks like. I staged this photo just for you, including that box of tupperware that I've been meaning to sort out for.....three months? Gretchen crafted this seat herself.

Like this look? You can match it yourself with bulk paper towels and TP at Costco. Simply leave them in the corner of your kitchen for a week while you figure out where the h you're going to fit them, then see what happens! Easy peasy! (You can add it to your pinterest account under "Decorating Ideas")
I handed Gretchen another fudgesicle on the way to pick up Ella on Wednesday. By the time we got to school she was (of course) covered in melted chocolate goodness. The teacher on duty said, "I swear every time I see that kid she's covered in something." Yes, yes she is. After brushing her teeth tonight her cheeks were still smeared in something red. And I'm not sure what we ate that was red today. Colby and I both had to send her back twice to "try again" to get her face clean.
After church last week Colby pulled out his pasta roller.

Ella helped.

My old dish rack helped.

Gretchen helped.

And I helped eat it. It was good. We had leftovers, but they didn't last very long. They got all et up. It also took a long time. I'm not sure how pasta ever really took off. "Hey guys, I have this idea. We'll take dough, roll it out really thin. It'll take about three hours to make enough for all of us. Then they'll all be gone in 10 minutes!" "Brilliant! Let's do it!"
Ella and I were sitting at the dining room table working on homework when she dropped this little nugget on me...
Ella: I think K likes me.
Me: What makes you say that, sweetie?
Ella: (Giggles hysterically, covers her mouth Harajuku-girl-style) I can't say! (giggle) I can't say right now!
Me: Ok....
three minutes pass
Ella: Well, you know what I said about...K? (giggle)
Me: Yes....
Ella: We sort of held hands!!!!
Me: How did that happen?
Ella: Um, well, it was 'silent reading' time, and we were sitting next to eachother...
Me: Yes....
Ella: And he put his hand on my knee, and then we held hands!!!! But under the table. Because we didn't want anyone else to see.
Me: !!!!!!!!
Ella: I know!
She brought home his number so they can plan a playdate. Colby is not pleased.
And now here's another embarrassing story. But mostly embarrassing for me. Ella dropped something on the floor the other day and said, "Oh da.....Oh mom! I almost said a bad word! The D word. Not the D-U-M-B word, the bad word that YOU say...."
I'm such a good mom. And don't tell Ella I told you that story. That's right, I'm gossiping about my own daughter AND teaching her how to swear on one blog entry. Woo hoo!
1 comment:
WHAT IS THAT WALL I SEE HIDING BACK THERE? Show me, show me, show me!!!
Speaking of toilet paper, we've been using napkins for three days. Whatever. It has a nice grit.
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