Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Baby Monkey Love

To help Greta feel better about the croupe, we pulled a monkey from our bag of tricks.

(Yes, The Gretch has The Croup. "How very 18th century of her," Auntie Autumn said.)

PS - Ella wants to see more of her cousins (you know, cause you don't have enough to do already). She's afraid that the Reno Stotts have taken over the blog.


Meghan and Tyler said...

Croup! Oh that is sad. We hope you feel better Little Gretch...althouh a "barking cough" does sound exciting (almost like another Cooper in the house) we sure hope she starts to feel better. Give the monkey kisses for us!

Krista said...

ella: Can I write this stuff (no). I'm very happy to invite you to my birthday and don't, um, be very mad if you be mad to your brother or sister. And don't very ungently.