Tuesday, June 9, 2009


I told Ella that we're going to our friends pool on Thursday. We've been going weekly since it got warm, but she was not excited.

Ella: Why do we always have to go to Kimmy's pool?

Me: Cause it's fun!!!

Ella: I don't want to.

Me: Hank, Ken & Kaylie will be there too! (My friend's elementary age kids, who are out of school for summer. Ella is especially enamored with her 13 year old son, Hank...)

Ella: Will Hank not have his shirt on?

Me: !!!!!!!

Me: How would you feel about that?

Ella: I don't know, I don't want to see him without his shirt on. (Giggles)

Me: Good night.

Ella: (Giggles. Shuts door. Giggles.)


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