Summer is ending. Michael Jackson is gone, but not forgotten (thanks for the reminder, Ella. Nice gloves AND nice dance moves.)

Colby started back at school today. He hasn't been to Tahoe with us ONCE this summer. So we dragged him up to the lake with us last Friday.

Ella, too busy playing to make eye contact and smile...

Please Note: Colby does NOT like the beach. I love it so so SO much, I can't imagine not having fun. Colby thinks it's boring. There's nothing to do. He doesn't like sitting around. I figure we're just sitting around at home anyway, we might as well do it someplace beautiful and eat good snacks. Colby is barely handling it. He was forced to read textbooks BEFORE SCHOOL STARTED. Sad.

He did manage to drag himself up to kick water onto his baby. (She liked it.)

See? Best buds. We got home and ran to a church activity. Ella may or may not have still had had her swim suit on. I managed to change, but otherwise looked like I'd spent the day at the beach. Everyone told me I looked "tired". Go figure.

So, what are you up to in these last few days of summer?
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