HAPPY BIRTHDAY AUNTIE AMBER! We tried to call, really.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY GRANDPA! We'll make you a good dinner tonight.
Oh my gosh, you guys. We just had the most fun trip to California EVER. Is it because we just hung out and swam for a week & a half? Is it because Colby & I didn't even get in one fight? Not even one little argument? Is it because we "knew our limits" (financially & emotionally) and didn't attempt Disneyland? Is it because we got to hang out with our awesome family every single day? Answer: Probably.
We went to the beach with my sisters Adrianne, Alisa & the boys. I swam in the waves. It was SO FUN. I haven't done that since before Ella was born. I thought Gretchen would love it too, so we took her out.

La la la, come on Gretchen! Let's go swim!

(Not pictured: Gretchen screaming her head off when she got hit in the face with a rogue wave. Me booking it back to shore and dropping her off with Colby where we wrapped her in a towel & gave her raisins. Order restored.)
Ella decided she didn't want to go to the beach in her bathing suit. (Hey, I just realized this is the same striped dress she wore yesterday, slept in, and is still wearing now at 10am while I sit in front of the computer rather than get her dressed & brush her hair. Weird. I'm going to have to get up in a minute though to get her a pickle. It is, after all, 10:05am and she has not had a pickle for almost 10 days...)

Ella and her cousin J decided they're going to get married. Isn't that a cute couple? Colby tried to talk about the legal issues that might coincide with that decision, but she put him in his place, "I am going to marry who ever I want to marry, Daddy."


After some recovery time, Gretchen joined the sand crew.

We went back to Auntie Alisa's house and Gretchen met Baby Teagan for the first time. Gretchen LOVES HER COUSIN.

After Beach Day we went with our friends to the Long Beach Aquarium. Also, about 50 day camps with 20,000 matching-shirt-kids came too. It was awesome (note sarcasm). Look! Rays!

Gretchen loved the seals.

Ella overcame her fear of sharks to both LOOK at sharks in the aquarium and RIDE a fake shark in the play area. I KNOW!

We went to Dana Point and looked at the Tall Ships. Note Ella's posture. Tall Ships bring out the dancer in her.

Gazing at the beautiful ocean...

Right after this Ella fell. Luckily she caught herself with HER HEAD. That's a story for another day. The pain is still to fresh right now. But she's ok.
Ella played around with the camera and took some lovely pictures.

See? Rockin' the head injury.

Over the weekend we went sailing with Poppa Randy. Pictures will be forthcoming, as they are on Colby's computer. Be assured, it was awesome. After that, we (I) decided we were having so much fun, we put off the drive home till Wednesday. TWO MORE DAYS OF FUN!!! So back to the cousins for GIGANTIC INFLATABLE SLIP & SLIDE!!!!

Then back to my brother Aaron's under-construction-but-still-totally-cool new house for dinner and...


And here we are, buckled in & ready for the looooooooooong drive back home.

YAY! (Not pictured: Gretchen screaming for 7/9.5 hours. We made it back to Reno in record time. Go figure...)
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