To start out, here's a Gretchen Classic:

If you visit our house between7 am - 10:08 am weekdays (6:30 am - 3pm on Saturday), this is how you will find Gretchen's hair. We wait until JUST BEFORE WE LEAVE to fix it, because it will inevitably revert to it's "natural state" within 30 minutes. However, she looks really cute when it's back in a pony tail. Maybe one day I'll get a picture of that.
Last week was SO BUSY. We had a playdate EVERY AFTERNOON. So this week we took some time off of playdates (plus, half of our friends are sick or have sick siblings. Not "SWINE FLU 2009 duh-duh-DUH!!!!!!" sick, but we'd rather not get anything thank-you-very-much, so we've become extreme-handwashing-anti-social agoraphobes. It's quite liberating in a never-leave-the-house kind of way.) Our lack of outside stimulation has allowed us to enjoy some of the simpler pleasures.
-Learning how to get your OWN PICKLE out of the fridge! (Good job Ella! Still only one a day. And not before 10am.) (You have to put your foot down somewhere...)
-Colby taking awesome new pictures of Ella in the trash can for photo class. Proof will be forthcoming. His next project may or may not reference this fun pop culture dramatic-sunglass-removing phenomenon:

-Teaching plastic princesses, pirates & goofy the joys of literacy. (Education is power, people. Also, Ice Age Squirrel is a really good teacher.)

-And playing with leaves in the backyard:

Oh my gosh, you guys. Don't you just love taking super-duper cute pictures of your kids in the autumn leaves. And then realize you've actually just documented your slothful mothering because there is SNOT DRIPPING OUT OF YOUR KIDS NOSE? Yup.

PS - Please don't ask why Gretchen is wearing a Sponge Bob Square Pants pajama top.
1 comment:
"Oh, I'm glad to see Gretchen got dressed this morning"--I say sarcastically. "She did! This is what she picked out for today."--Apryl
Yes, I do believe that spongebob pajama pants and a yo gabagaba shirt makes for a quite lovely outfit.
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