Here's Ella as a princess, eating a tortilla chip. Then Ella drew some princesses too.

Huh, what's that on the princess?

Um, it's the PRINCESS SLEEVES. (Gross, what did you think it was?)

There was a girl in front of us coloring this month's coloring page from The Friend Magazine. It just happens to depict Lismarie and her sweet family pushing an old lady in a wheelchair. I so wanted to say, "Hey little girl! I totally drew that! And that's my BFF Lismarie and her family!" But I knew what would happen. She's look at me all weird and think, "Ok, strange lady. I'm going to turn around now and grab my mom's arm." So I refrained. But I couldn't refrain from telling you, dear friends and family. THERE WAS A GIRL IN FRONT OF US COLORING MY COLORING PAGE! IT WAS SO COOL! And I've only got one more picture left before my reign as Official Coloring Page Artist is over. Sigh. It was a good two years.

*Technically, people at the front in the chapel get to sit on nice upholstered benches. But to get those seats, you need to be early (overachievers!). And then when you inevitably have to get up in the middle of the program, the hundreds of people there get to watch you try to wind your way down the aisle while balancing a gyrating, screaming toddler, trying to keep her flailing feet from kicking everyone's heads.
1 comment:
I can't even tell you how many conversations I have had with my sisters about my talented friend. I have shown them all your other blog and they think you are amazing. We just had Stake Conference too and Elder Perry came. We were on the very last row in the gym.
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