Hey guys! So when I first sat down to think about this week, I couldn't remember what we did. Our life seems to be Stuck-At-Home-Boring or Non-Stop-Party. We can't find a happy medium. When we're stuck at home (above), the girls think of crazy things to do, like the "Marble Game" (below). The "Marble Game" is pretty new (thank goodness).
The Rules:
-Dump out Uncle Tyler's stash of marbles that were found in the closet over Thanksgiving.
-Pick up handfuls and try to roll (but inevitable THROW) marbles around the room.
-Physically roll YOURSELF in the marbles. (How can that be comfortable?!?!?) Laugh hysterically.
-Complain as mom makes you pick them all up. Be sure to say, "But this will take for-EEEEEEBVER!!!" at least 30x.
-As soon as they're all picked up, forget about how horribly draining it was to put them away and immediately dump them out again.

Ella has started spelling tests in Kindergarten. I had to document. Awwwww, learning is FUN!

After school on Friday, a few of Ella's classmates met at the alluring Chuck E. Cheeses. So lucky, I know. Ah, the frantic faces of small children trying to garner as many "tickets" as possible to cash in for...a jelly bracelet. They don't see the irony. Luckily Gretchen is still small enough that climbing on the jet-ski-game is almost as much fun as actually PLAYING the jet ski game. Fun was had by all. Even the parents.

And by far the cutest thing we've done for a long time? Ella's school had a Winter Formal last week. A WINTER FORMAL. For Kindergartners. Oh my gosh. It was amazing.

At first Ella was intimidated by the flashing lights and loud music (luckily M.J. was on heavy rotation). But pretty soon she was leading the conga line. Except she thought it was a "train line", so she kept pumping her arm & saying, "Choo CHOO!!!!!"

Yesterday Auntie Amber stopped by and said...
Amber: Hey, I'm going to go try on wedding dresses, want to come?
Me: Uh, you mean with the girls?
Amber: Sure, why not?
(Now imagine every crazy thing they could do at a formal wear shop. Yes, they did that.)
I gave Ella the camera so she'd stop crawling through racks of $2000 dresses. Amber decided NOT to get this one. So pretty though.

Hey, we know you're really busy debating pearls vs. rhinestones, but could you PLEASE make some dresses that aren't strapless? Believe it or not, SOME PEOPLE WANT STRAPS. I know, weird. That'd be super great though. Thanks.

That about sums up our week. Gretchen didn't sneak out of her crib too much. Ella is smart. It's supposed to snow tomorrow. Don't worry, you'll hear all about it next week.
1 comment:
ah, I love your blog posts! That is always how I feel about my weeks, "what did we do?!" Alas, we always do the same thing, but are always busy. K, I really wish i was there to go wedding dress shopping with you guys. I am so excited for Amber and Dan! I am excited to see what dress design she chooses, I sure what ever she chooses will be beautiful!!! Love you guys!
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