ME: Ella, isn't this song so beautiful? What do you think it's about?
ELLA: Mom, what are you talking about?
ME: When you close your eyes, do pictures about the music come into your head?
ELLA: Yeah, I guess.
ME: What does this song make you think about?
ELLA: Food.
ME: Are you hungry?
ELLA: No. Well, yeah, kinda.
Besides broadening our cultural horizons through music, we've also tried a few new recipes. There's just no way our family will eat fish unless it's in "stick" form. But the homemade tootsie rolls were a semi hit. See the "special" one we made for Daddy? Awww, Daddy is so loved.
Smile for the camera sweetie!

No, that wasn't a smile! Try again!

So much better.
Gretchen has decided to start dressing herself. It's going moderately least she has clothes on....

It's all about layering.

Though I blew off Ella's requests as long as possible, we FINALLY put her "Grow Your Own Pony" in water. (Nanna Joy gave it to us in the Super Awesome Pack Of Car Fun she put together for the girls. Thanks Nanna Joy!!!) It grew slowly over a week. And we watched it get creepier and creepier. At it's height of creepiniess, Auntie Amber suggested we put it in a specimen jar and save it for Halloween. It would have been awesome. But we decided to take it out because it was king of stinkey. (Creepy and stinkey. A magical combination.) Then we got to watch is shrink down, and the legs curl up, and the strange sponge-like-texture DOESN'T GO AWAY. Poor pet pony.

Grow Your Own Pony just wants to be loved. Anyone? Anyone?
That's what we've been up to! What about you?
haha, so Tyler and I didn't read carefully enough, and we thought that you made your own fish sticks...those looked like some crazy fish sticks. Tootsie Rolls made a lot more sense :) We love you!!!
ok, so Ella has some serious camera skills. Honestly. I can't take pictures that freaking awesome.
so John did the whole crawl out of his crib and play in his room routine for about a week and then he just stopped. However, there is some kind of contraption on Amazon that is a crib "tent." It traps toddlers inside their prison like cribs...
A tent?
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