We hope your day so far has been full of flowers and chocolates and absolutely no sugar-low-induced temper tantrums. And if you live more than 10 miles from us, just pretend I was on-the-ball enough to send you a real Valentine Greeting in the mail...
And if I'd actually been organized to mail you a valentine, THIS is what it would have looked like (instead she just handed them out to her classmates & friends):

(Why yes, that IS Ella riding a trademarked pony over a field of green grass surrounded by flying blue peeps....)
And here's Gretchen's (CUTEST BABY IN THE WORLD ALERT!!!)

On Monday night, Ella's class had the CUTEST VALENTINES PROGRAM EVER. It was a special romantic dinner just for the parents. The kids brought us all a menu & then fetched our food for us. We got to choose between cheese or pepperoni pizza, and what type of soda we wanted. LUCKY! (To be said in Napoleon Dynamite whine.) I know.

Then they got their own pizza.

Then they played games while they waited for everyone to finish.

Then they put on a program & sang songs and recited a poem. SO CUTE.

Then on Friday they had a class party. Here's Ella taking her turn as "Valentine Mail-Girl". (See the visor? It's an official Valentine Mail Delivery Person visor.)

I was so impressed with the haul of Valentine Treats Ella brought home with her. Two boxes of chocolates, pencils, stickers & a plethora of other goodness. One kid brought roses for EVERY GIRL IN THE CLASS. A little girl looked at me and said, "He's my most favorite boy in the whole school." Yeah. He might be mine too.

And here's Gretchen's favorite tattoo EVER. (The one I was telling you about last week. SCARY BABY!)

This week was crazy busy. I finished my book proposal yesterday (going on the mail on TUESDAY. Because tomorrow is a HOLIDAY! Woot!) I made invitations for the PTA fundraiser. We volunteered for a study about addiction (as the "Non Addicted" participants. I didn't tell them about my sugar habit, my book habit, or my Thursday NBC Lineup habit...) AND we finished a service project with my mom's group. PHEW. AND I changed the sheets on the beds. I know. Pretty much amazing. Now I'm going to go read my BFF Janeece's favorite book & write all over the pages. LUCKY!
I know.
Yeah, Gretch is pretty stinkin' cute. And that tattoo? totally scary.
And what's this book talk? Do you have a signed book DEAL???????!
Loved the sweet wink on the V card. What lucky girls to have such a talented mother. Sounds like Ella got more for Valentine's than I did.
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