More photographic proof. We went to Sugarbowl. It is lovely, as you can see. That's one good thing about Reno. You drive 40 minutes in any direction & find magical surprises like this.

Overlooking Donner Lake (it looks like he's standing on the edge of a cliff, but apparently it was only two feet from up from a gently sloping hill.)

Hey Mom! Watch this!

The rest of the week was filled with playdates and chores and cleaning the kitchen and making snacks and making cookies and more cleaning the kitchen, and more cleaning. Saturday Ella had a Birthday Party at a local indoor pool. Gretchen is a TOTAL WATER BABY. She walked around the toddler pool for about two hours straight giggling. Laps and laps and laps. Ella climbed out and said, "Ok, I'm ready to go." and even after we gave Gretchen another 15 minutes of laps, she still screamed when we took her out.
And then it snowed in Reno. We got about a foot. Here's more photographic proof:

Hot Chocolate warms your soul. And your chin. And your belly. And your pajamas that are doubling as a snow suit.

Gretchen's new trick is to tell us that she's "Scared!" so that we'll pick her up and carry her everywhere. We'll be on a walk & she'll decide she's tired. Instead of saying, "Up please!", she says in a very dramatic voice, "I'm SCARED! Scared! Mommy! Scared!"
This morning Gretchen got a time-out for dumping her cup of water all over the floor (on purpose). When I went to get her out of her crib after time-out, she kept pointing to the closet and saying, "SCARY! SCARY BODY! SCARY BODY!" I told her the only thing in the closet are clothes & shoes & hats. No scary bodies. I showed her. We looked together. And she said, "No scary body?" No. Just a hat. "Oh, just a hat." Yeah. So apparently she's added a whole new level of creepiness to her two-year-old-emotional-manipulations by adding a "scary body" to the mix. She's tricky. (No, we do NOT watch CSI. I have no idea where she'd get this idea...)
It snowed so much that Ella's school was cancelled today. We're going to go make a snow fort now.
Oh, I miss snow. It hasn't snowed here very much this year. Sad!
I cannot believe how big your girls are. I mean, I know I only saw them the one time, but they are BIG. Lucky girl, you, raising daughters. I'd settle even one to add to my boys. :)
Have fun being snowed in.
Oh dang, we miss you guys! Kaitlin totally stopped pulling a little tantrum when she heard Gramma laughing! Hmm, think she likes someone? I think so. We have totally missed out on the snow thing this year. I am down to a patch of snow in my back yard and that is it. I love how you can parent supervise your children out in the snow and not even leave the comfort of your warm home. That is awesome.
Love you guys.
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