On Memorial Day we got a glimpse of what the summer will be like. It was beautiful. We started our celebrations at Target (don't be jealous) and got sunscreen. The girls got their first sunburns the previous Saturday when the apartment pool opened and we went for a quick swim. Quick because we were out of sunscreen. Now they have little tan lines. Who's kids are these? Apparently they don't follow the Robertson tradition of burn/peel/burn/peel/skin cancer... But we're still going to keep them covered in sunscreen for the rest of their natural lives.
We went on a hike to the top of RATTLESNAKE MOUNTAIN. Doesn't that sound brilliant and scary? It's actually more of a foothill, but RATTLESNAKE FOOTHILL doesn't carry the same weight as RATTLESNAKE MOUNTAIN. Climbing the top of this, ahem, mountain was on my list of "Things To Do Before We Move". (Do you like how I'm thinking positively because of COURSE Colby will be getting a job soon and it probably won't be in Northern Nevada. Which makes me sad, because I really love Northern Nevada. But immensely happy because HELLO!!! Jobs = Money = Happiness. Really, money can buy happiness. Don't believe what they tell you.)
Here's how the hike went.
Great! - 5 minutes
Good - 15 minutes
(Almost to the top) HORRIBLE - 10 minutes
(Reached the top)
Handed out snacks and juice boxes.
(Began track down)
HORRIBLE - 15 minutes
Good thing it was a short hike.
Gretchen pretending it was fun to hike:

Look! I made it! Can I have fruit snacks now?

I'm getting all the good pictures from graduation later today. I'll put them in a separate post. Goodbye, best kindergarten teacher ever!!!

In keeping with the tradition of overdoing it and general ridiculousness, I carved a watermelon for the kindergarten graduation BBQ into the shape of a bee (the class mascot). I wasn't going to do anything that crazy, but my friend J dared me to do it. So of course then I had to.

And, since I know you're all waiting with baited breath to find out about my pioneer dress, it is DONE!!! Yes, it is done and it is almost fabulous. It's kind of got a high waist (where my actual waist is instead of at the top of my hips), but it fits and it's almost kind of cute. Almost. It's definitely not doing anything for my figure. People may assume I'm a pregnant pioneer. I'm ok with that. Especially since my "Pioneer Ancestor" that I'm doing family history work on had a baby en route. (Can you even imagine being 9 months pregnant while walking across the plains? Kill me now.)
I got so excited about finishing that sewing project that I went to Savers and bought an awesome old pillowcase and made Ella a dress and Gretchen a matching skirt. I'm going to try to put them in them for church today. And then take a picture. We'll see how that goes...
Wish us luck with our first week of summer. I know Ella was only in school for 2.5 hours a day, but DUDE, that 2.5 hours made all the difference. (Where is Ella right now? Pouting somewhere because I told her I was going to beat her bum if she didn't clean up her dress-ups RIGHT NOW. There is beauty all around, when there's love at home....)
1 comment:
Apryl, I love you. I totally mean that. Your blog makes me happy to read.
I just love your details. You are awesome. That is all.
(Good job on the dress, btw. So maybe not all.)
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