As promised, here is a picture of my PIONEER DRESS!!!
Reasons Why I Love This Picture:
-The room is a mess. (I could have picked up before we took the photo, but I wanted y'all to feel better about your houses so I left it au natural. I'm really thoughtful like that.)
-I am clothed wrist to ankle, but Gretchen is practically naked.
-I didn't bother taking off my pajamas for the photo shoot. You can see them peeking out under my skirt.
-For some reason I am wearing my gold flip flops. With pajama pants. And a pioneer dress.

Here it is with the Authentic Scarf and Apron.

Can't you just see me as a Pioneer? I know. I'm totally going to rock at it.

Thanks for taking such awesome pictures Ella!

"You're welcome, Mom!"

Gretchen's Two New Cute Things:
1. When I hand her something (snack, juice, etc.) she says, "Oh tank you, mama!" (The enthusiasm gets me every time. I love this kid.)
2. Gretchen has started telling jokes. She almost gets it. It's heavy on the bathroom humor. Actually, it's pretty much ALL bathroom humor. (PS - Don't mind the boxes in the background. We finally got our storage rack assembled, so pretty soon they'll be gone. You know, in a few more weeks...):
This week our goals include:
-Going swimming every day (we went FIVE TIMES last week. And had a BBQ. Unemployment is suiting us a little too well. But hey, I finished my freelance job yesterday. YAY!!!)
-Having more BBQ.
-Actually doing that Ab workout instead of just thinking about it.
-Catching up on Glee.
(Doesn't it feel good to put your goals in writing. I know I feel better...) So what are YOUR goals this week?
Oh Apryl! I look forward to your posts every week. Love the pioneer dress :) You are going to rock as a ma. And, miss Gretchen makes me smile. Loved her jokes...ah she is getting so big. Maybe next time her joke will include me too and not just Auntie Amber :)
oops, I was signed in as my sister. Awkward! This is Meghan!
Love the dress and you win the most stylish bangs and flashiest flip-flops ever on a pioneer.
Thanks for keepin' it real!
I'm so glad I can be the butt of Gretchen's joke (pun totally intended)...
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