Part of our activity for "A" day was to play with animals. That didn't take up enough time, so then we did dress-ups. Here you see John John cringing away from The Gretch (but still smiling in a Hi-Gretchen-I-Love-You-Don't-Hurt-Me kind of way...) Preschool finished bite free (unfortunately, the same cannot be said of nursery today. GRETCHEN. Sigh.)

We forgot to check the mail for a week, and there were LOTS of surprises waiting for us! The girls LOVE packages! Thanks Auntie Terry & Cousin Suzanne!

So all summer work was dead. Nothing. My career was a desert wasteland, complete with tumbleweeds and circling vultures. That has all changed. I now have work with a vengeance. So of course it's all coming in at once. The good news is that I will get paid. Yay! Also, I used the time stuck at my computer to watch ALL FOUR SEASONS of DR. WHO! (Thanks Jennifer!) (I am in love with this show. It just keeps getting better and better. Though I will never again walk past a store mannequin, angel statue or watch a reality show without cringing a little.)
Since I was totally slammed working, of course, OF COURSE it's the week I had a million commitments. Saturday we took the girls from church to Lake Tahoe. It was the perfect beach day. There were literally only 2 other people on our beach. It was sunny, warm and wonderful.

The squirrels were making us crazy. They were literally crawling into the chip bag when we turned our back. That is nasty. I threw the chips away in a fit of disgust. I don't care if you are cute, YOU ARE ALSO VERY GROSS.

The girls decided it'd be super fun to bury each other. I decided it'd be super fun to guard our food and yell at rodents. I also decided it'd be super fun to only sporadically apply sunscreen. Now I'm sportin' a sweet sunburn on my shoulders & chest, complete with random fingerprints where I DID apply sunblock. Go me.

Despite being crazy, ridiculously busy, it was still a pretty good week. Here's hoping I have a little more time to breathe next week. Deeeep breaths. Deeeeep breaths. It's all going to be ok. (I need a nap.)