The stars aligned for Miss Ella, she's sits right next to one of her favorite friends in the world. Here they are, smiling and perfectly aware of how amazing they are. They are freakin' FIRST GRADERS. Boo ya.
And here's the obligatory, awkwardly posed first day of school photo, as mentioned above.

It was strange to have so much time away from Ella this week. I've been reading friends blogs talking about how sad it is that their kids are gone all day at school. Will I feel that way when my time comes? I really value my "Alone Time". Enough that if I'm in my room by myself, the girls know to ask me, "Are you having 'alone time', or can I talk to you?" Alone time is so precious. Maybe I won't value it as much when I get more than 10 minutes a day.
To celebrate our new school-week-lifestyle, Gretchen & I went on some playdates. Gretchen's favorite friend in the whole world is John John. She loves John John with a fierce 2.5 year old passion. Sometimes, an overwhelming passion. Have you ever heard the old adage, "You hurt those you love the most?" Gretchen must love John A LOT.
Look at how sweet they are, running scantily clad through the sprinklers:

Eating the plums we picked from their neighbors front yard (they said it was cool, we didn't steal them. Really!)

When Ella heard we'd been to John John's house without her, she was upset. Every time we go there, she plays spends her time playing on her own and/or screaming at Gretchen & John John. But apparently that's the highlight of her day. So Saturday she came with us to John John's house to pick the plums, play by herself in the sandbox, and scream at toddlers. In a Tinkerbell costume, of course...

Though Gretchen did leave a giant pinch mark across John John's chest (NO JOHN JOHN!!! I DRIVE THE CAR!!!) she did make a marked step towards maturity. I saw her leaning in frustration to bite him TWICE. And both times she stopped herself, contemplated her actions (mouth agape), and pulled back. Oh, my sweet, violent, darling girl! So proud!
That's our big news for the week. Gretchen DIDN'T bite her friend. What's your big news?
hey, I think that's a great idea: the END of the first day of school!
My husband and I were talking about solitude just a few minutes ago. When I discovered he'd scheduled the stupid Dish guy to come on Wednesday. Meaning: husband wants to work from home on Wednesday. DUDE! Didn't you get the memo? Wednesdays are sacred. On Wednesdays, not a child is at my home ALL DAY LONG. I don't want the Dish guy there. I don't want husband there. I want SOLITUDE!
To which scolding Husband said "Why'd you get married and have kids then, if you like to be alone so much?"
To which I responded, "I said I wanted solitude, not loneliness." It's a fine, fine line. ;)
My big news: ah. I got nothin'.
I totally understand the solitude thing. When Ben went to preschool and Thomas was in 2nd grade, I rejoiced. Rejoiced. It was just when Ben went to kindergarten and I realized this whole school thing was for real that I got all sentimental. But dude, solitude is as necessary as...air. Or at least Dr. Pepper.
Ella looks so grown up as a first grader. :)
John and Gretchen are one dedicated couple. If they can work the kinks out of their relationship now, their marriage will be smooth sailing (in 22+ years).
Ella looks darling. She is totally a mini Krista.
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