Dear John John-
I'm so So SO sorry that Gretchen has been using you as a chew toy. You can totally bite her back next time. I won't intervene. (She deserves it!) She really does love you. Really.
Beware of this cute face. It is completely deceiving. She bites (but apparently only sweet little boys named John...):

Besides that horrible incident, the rest of the week was pretty ok. My amazing friend Jaime invited me to see Smashing Pumpkins with her. She called while I was at Mutual (like church youth group, for the uninitiated). I asked if any of the girls would mind babysitting when we finished up. They said, "Sure!" (because they are all nice, sweet, thoughtful girls and I love them all).
Girls: What concert are you going to?
Me: Smashing Pumkins, isn't that great!
Girls: Who?
Girls: No seriously, who?
Me: I am old.
The concert was great fun (except maybe for the 10 minutes base/drum solos, which were a little yawn inducing. Drum solos = LAME. Also, I am a "girl" and therefore unable to appreciate their "awesomeness".) There were lots of drunk people to laugh at. Good times. Thanks Jaime!
Thanks also for this sweet ditty that's been bouncing around my head all week: DESPITE ALL MY RAGE, I AM STILL JUST A RAT IN A CAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGE!!!!!! (end flashback)
Then Jaime called to see if Colby wanted to go golfing. So he went all day Friday. For free. With free lunch. And then we had a pizza party at their house.
THEN Jaime called to see if we wanted to tailgate with them.
FACT YOU SHOULD KNOW ABOUT ME: I've never seen a football game in my entire life. Ever. I went to one once in High School, but didn't actually watch it. I, therefore, have never experienced a "Tailgate".
Oh. My. Word. I had the best initiation ever. There was Tri-tip on the BBQ. There was Rockband (literally on the tailgate). IT. WAS. AWESOME.

Colby let them know how much he appreciated their hospitality by serenading them. He left a BIG IMPRESSION on all the sweet children. Parents can now thank Colby for their toddler's appreciation of Rammstein.
If you just skipped over that video, I implore you. GO BACK AND WATCH. You won't be sorry.
Here's hoping next week is bite-free.
And you all should get a Jaime. Seriously, she's great.
You didn't even need to implore me, I was intrigued the minute you wrote Ramstein! That is awesome. I really do need to get a Jamie. You guys sound like you're doing great (minus the biting incident). We miss you guys and love you to pieces.
Is it said that I love that you have a little girl that loves to bite her friend because Lyla loves to scream and boss all of her little friends. No one loves a screamer for a playdate, but we continue to try. Sounds like you had a great week.
Ben was a biter. This talent started at a very early age. I was his very unwilling target. Maybe it's a second kid thing?? I don't know....
And I love the rockband. Lego rock band is the bomb. Who doesn't feel like a rockstar when playing the guitar to Dead or Alive by Bon Jovi??
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