Sunday, July 18, 2010

Goodbye Goldilocks

The girls found our bandannas from the Trek and thought it'd be super fun to play "Little Peasant Girls". This is how you play: Put bandannas on head. Accessorize bandannas with headband and Mrs. Potato Head feet. Talk with as much of an English Accent as a five and two year old can muster. Talk about tea and cleaning. Loose interest within 5 minutes.

This week's theme: Recovery. It was so nice to sit in one place and not worry about packing or stocking up on snacks. In fact, one day we didn't leave the house once. And boy was it H.O.T. this week. It only added to our lethargy. It didn't, however, lead to Gretchen sleeping in. She's right back on her regular 6:15 a.m. schedule. And yes, it sucks.

We had our first trip of the year to Lake Tahoe yesterday. It was absolutely lovely. More so because it wasn't my idea, I just got to go along for the ride. I loaded up the girls with arm floaties, stuck them on inflatables and swam out to the deep end of the Designated Swimming Area. I don't know if you've heard, but Lake Tahoe is pretty much amazing. We could see the rocks deep down below us. We watched overly confident youth jump off rocks. We did not get our toes pinched by crawdads (Ella was diligent on crawdad watch.) Gretchen laughed and laughed when we got bounced up and down by a boat wake. It was a perfect day. And my legs actually do have some pigment now. Pink. They got sunburned. I got cocky and said, "My legs are so white, they don't even get BURNED anymore." Ha ha. Jokes on me.

Tomorrow is the day I've been dreading. Sometimes I'm so sentimental that it's painful. Ella has never had her hair cut. NEVER. Except for that one time she got gum stuck in it. (The peanut butter mostly worked, but we ended up cutting out a little bit.) But tomorrow we're taking her to the salon and cutting off about 10". TEN INCHES. She wants it cut to just below her shoulders, and we're going to donate it to Locks of Love. We had a little talk about it, how if you get cancer your hair falls out because of the medicine. Uncle Noel's hair fell out, but he didn't wear a wig. Ella wants to know why he didn't. (I'm sure he totally could have pulled that look off, right?) She's so excited about her haircut. SO EXCITED. I'm not. But after brushing tangles out again this evening, I decided I need to let go. And it's for a good cause. Sniff. A good cause. (Cue mocking of overly sentimental mom now....)

So what are you doing this week? Sitting in your PJ's for the whole day? Call us up! We'll join you!


mom said...

So apryl, where are pictures of the haircut. Can't wait to see. Love, Anita.
Give hugs and kisses to the girls for grandma.

julie! said...

So I am way excited for the after shots. Ella is totally my hero!
Thanks for being our friends today. I'm just so glad that Gretchen and John took their friendship level up a notch. It should make things much less awkward later on...