Sunday, January 9, 2011


Hello Friends and Family! We kind of dropped off the face of the planet for a few weeks. But rest assured, we're alive and sassy (well, Ella and Gretchen are. Colby and I are mostly just alive...)

How was your Christmas? Ours was good. We enjoyed Uncle Aaron & Aunt B's hospitality in SoCal. But we did NOT enjoy the non-stop rain. Or that Adrianne and Mike and the Duffys got evacuated out of the house because the neighborhood was flooding. (Dude!) Ella really wanted to go to the Getty Museum again and I wanted to take the girls to play in the sand at the beach, but alas, neither happened. We were officially rained out. But at least it finally stopped. Just in time for us to pack up and leave.

It wasn't all a soggy mess, Aaron & B's house was super fun (as always) and we watched movies, played video games & played and played and played with cousins.


At Chuckee Cheeses. (As she'll tell you if you ask her age. "I'm three at Chuckee Cheese's.")

What I love about this picture is that Super Fun Uncle Mike is holding Gretchen upside-down, and Grandma Diana is trying so hard not to freak out! Look at her hand. "Uhhhhh...Mike???!?!?!" (Love you Mom!)

High Fives for blowing out the candles.


This is the Cinderella Wedding Dress (as seen on clearance at the Disney Store after Halloween). Gretchen's new nickname is "Bridezilla".

Nana Joy totally won the horse race.

Sisters doing sister-things together. (I couldn't tell you what they're doing, but they're entertained...)


And apparently we didn't get any Christmas Pictures. But rest assured, Santa came, the voice-changer toy he brought was a hit, we all laughed at Ella and Gretchen's Robot Voices, and then it was promptly hidden so that we didn't go crazy. They also got other stuff. I'm hoping we'll remember it all to do Thank Yous. If we don't and you're reading this, "Thank you for the present! That was so nice!" (So heartfelt, I know. Also, as my extended Christmas Gift to you, don't worry about sending me any Thank Yous. I gave you a gift because I love you. Lets just leave it at that...)

Poppa Randy brought the girls GIGANTIC GINGERBREAD MEN to decorate. There may or may not still be one on our kitchen counter.

Colby asked for and got a bunch of camera equipment for Christmas. Merry Christmas to both of us! He gets new toys, and I get lovely photos of our girls. Just messing around he got these two gems.

Happy 2nd week of January Friends! Love love love!


Meghan and Tyler said...

Aw, Hurray!! We have been looking forward to this post. Halfway through, Tyler asked if I had sent you a Thank you for our gifts, then two lines later you said not to send you a thank you note...Here is our THANK YOU!! When did Ella grow up to a little lady? She looks so old in the last picture. And Gretchen! How cute is she in her Birthday Glory. We are sad we couldn't be there, but love you guys to pieces.

Happy January!!

Anonymous said...

Holy cow! Your kids are so stinkin' cute!