Sunday, April 3, 2011

How to Recover from Late Spring Snowstorms

I now have no reason to complain (not that it will stop me). At this very moment, I have NO DEADLINES!!! Come tomorrow morning, I expect that will change, but this weekend I've been reveling in free time. Yesterday while I was at the gym (do you like how I drop that in to make it seem like I'm super healthy? I know) anyway, while I was on the elliptical (level 10 for 40 minutes, no biggie), I planned out a picture book I've been wanting to put together for a while. Last night I sat down & typed out the manuscript (which sounds impressive, but is maybe, MAYBE, 200 words), then worked out thumbnail sketches. I even started the first page's sketch. See what happens when I get a calm in the storm? Magic.

Part of the stress I had a few weeks ago was that I had to finish all my projects so we could meet Lismarie & her family in PALM SPRINGS!!! Well, technically it was Indio, but if I say, "Indio!" You will say, "Where is that?" (Unless you are Grandpa Conrad or love Grandpa Conrad, in which case you will already know where Indio is...) So I will just refer to our vacation destination as Palm Springs. But I did it. I even cleaned the house before we left so that we wouldn't come home to a disaster. Well, it was a little disaster-ish once we got home, what with the four semi-unpakced suitcases & a carload of crap-that-you-unloaded-but-didn't-put-away-yet sitting in the hallway... Our apartment is tolerable when it's clean. When it's messy, it makes me want to go to bed and sleep for a week. So clean is good!

Right Gretchen?



And how was our vacation? TOTALLY WORTH IT. Totally worth the 2 days of driving (driving with a three year old, I might add). Totally worth the weeks of work on top of mothering on top of more work on top of cleaning and chores. Totally worth it.

What did we do?

Um. Well. We ate.

We wore our bathing suits all-day-every-day.

We swam and napped and ate and then swam some more. We floated in the lazy river. We steamed in the hot tub. Gretchen & Ella blew bubbles in the water. Ella kept saying, "Watch this!" and then dunking her head totally in the water (which I must say {without exaggeration} IS A MIRACLE!!!) Paradise. Lismarie, THANK YOU SO MUCH. It was wonderful. We met Grandpa Conrad for lunch and he suggested a number of activities we might enjoy. I had to stop him. Our only plan was to swim and lounge. Anything that involved getting into the car and planning potty breaks wasn't going to work. Sigh. Vacation bliss.

Now back to our strange, real life.


1 comment:

Amy Sorensen said...

oh, that sounds LOVELY! I've never been anywhere near Palm Springs but it is one of those places on my list. PLUS! WTG on the book planning/writing. That is AWESOME!!!