But we did get this shot...

...and this one (this one is like a puzzle. Can you count the hazards in this photo? Leave your answers in the comment section. Person with the most wins a PRIZE!)

Last Monday we went to visit Ella's BFF's casa. Her mom gave them a playdate-birthday-party. With homemade Tres Leches Cake. OMG. So GOOD! And now, a month later, her birthday is OFFICIALLY OVER. And yes, we're planning her 6th birthday party already. At least Ella is.

This is what's left after Gretchen ate her strawberries. Apparently Baby likes her strawberries.

Look, matching ballerina outfits!!!!

The girls found an old skateboard while we were cleaning out. It's now sitting in the middle of the hall. Cause that's a good place for it, right?

How many times have we been to the pumpkin patch in the past five days? THREE TIMES. This is the only time I brought my camera (you're welcome). Look at how pretty these pumpkins are. Awwww... Credit for Gretchen's hat goes to Stefanie, the most amazing knitting lady ever.

Gretchen's dress could NOT STAY ON. After this I pinned it. But she flashed a lot of people before I fixed it. (And yes, I realize this is the THIRD topless toddler pic on this post alone, and yes, I also realize that the first one was not censored.)

We went on a hay ride. Nothing screams "FUN" like riding on a trailer full of hay bales while sharp bits of dried grass imbed themselves into your thighs. Come on guys! Lets do it again! (Notice how Gretchen is trying to escape in this photo, but I'm trying to cover it up with my head-tilt-smile-everything's-fine-pose.)

On Saturday, before Auntie Amber called to rescue me from the girls, I mean take them to the Pumpkin Patch for the 2nd time, the only thing keeping Gretchen happy was:
1. If I held her in my lap like a baby (her words)
2. If I put the blanket over her head. MUST BE OVER HER HEAD.
3. If I put her keyboard across our laps so she could play music while in recline.
(Check out her expression. She knows she's getting away with something.)

So for Halloween, Ella wants to be Casper The Friendly Ghost. Her idea. Gretchen's costume will be provided by Colby. (Remember Ella's costume circa Halloween '06? Let me remind you, it consisted of a black plastic trash bag with head and arm holes cut out, red duct tape around the waist, and fairy wings. She was a demon baby. Cute.) Stay tuned to see what he comes up with THIS TIME. I know, I can't wait either.
1 comment:
Seriously. love. the. Gretch.
Please don't move away b/c I can't wait to see her in teenage mode.
Besides all the awesome free candy, I am now also looking forward to trunk r treating to catch a glimpse of Ella's dudz
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