Gretchen did a striking Sasquatch impression and foraged for food in the background. She likes Grandma & Grandpa's grapes.

I know, practically separated at birth...

Last Sunday, or "Ella's Actual Birthday", we had cake and presents.

What's that? AN EASY BAKE OVEN? Boo-yah! We busted that bad boy out after school on Monday. 1.5" cookies baked under a 100 watt light bulb with adult supervision? Delicious!!! Thanks Auntie Amber & Uncle Dan!

We continued the Birthday Celebration by going out to eat on Monday. In-N-Out! Why yes, those ARE teal leggings with socks under her skirt. Why do you ask?

Gretch got in on some sticker action. And ate almost 1/2 a burger by herself. Dude.

This Saturday was the Big Party! Auntie Amber led the girls in some rousing games (both Ella's boyfriends had soccer games, so they didn't get there till later... But look at how cute these girls are!) Red Light, Green Light. Mother May I. Good times.

Does Amber have some competition? Gretchen was totally working Uncle Dan.

After lunch we had our Dance Off! Woot!!!

These girls were serious dancers. SERIOUS.

After the Dance Off, Ella opened presents. Who's that in the background? IT'S MISS VALERIE! Ella's favorite Preschool Teacher came to her party? How awesome is that? I know!!!!

Good times being had by all...

Then, the TREASURE HUNT!!!

Miss Valerie took pity on the kids and helped them interpret my map. (Apparently I need some cartography lessons.)

Action Shot!

Gretchen isn't really sure what's going on, but she knows it's awesome!

So yay! That's it! We had a great time. Wish y'all could have been there.
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