Gretchen whining? How unexpected!

What else was unexpected? Uncle Ian coming to visit! Hooray for Uncle Ian! And also unexpected? Uncle Ian's awesome brick-red, um....haircut. No one rocks the "Mr. T" quite like Uncle Ian. Ella loaned him some extra necklaces from her birthday party to help him with his Look.

How nice is Uncle Ian? Nice enough to drive 8 hours so we could take Auntie Krista to sushi for her birthday dinner. Grandma and Grandpa even came (they got the chicken dinner).
HAPPY BIRTHDAY KRISTA! Sorry about Gretchen licking your face last week!

This is how Colby looks from Ella's perspective. I think it explains many things in their relationship.

Gretchen loves ALL her cousins, but Shaunte holds a special place in the girls hearts. They LOVE him. In a slightly overwhelming, "Can you please get your kids off me" kind of way. Here they are, reunited after, I don't know, EIGHTEEN MONTHS? Yeah, I'm pretty sure Gretchen was only 3 months old last time they met. But her devotion runs deep.

Ella's BFF moved. We now have to drive an hour to visit her. Not cool. But we visited a few weeks ago. Ella crashed C's ballet class. Isn't this the cutest thing ever?

Also cute? Lamas. I know. Ella's school had a Harvest Festival this week. GOOD TIMES.

Last night the ward had a Barn Dance Social. I now know the Electric Slide. I'd survived 33 years without that knowledge, but decided to learn it and OWN IT. If you want lessons, I can totally teach you. Also, Cotton Eye'd Joe. (Which is funny, cause I distinctly remember dancing at the Vortex in SLC circa Fall '94 to that song. But now I know the "REAL" dance to it. And I learned it in the "Cultural Hall" at church. Awesome. Ok, maybe that's not really funny. I am old. The end.)
Last night at the Barn Dance...
Seminary Teacher: How are you doing Gretchen?
Gretchen: (pulls pants down)
Seminary Teacher: Hello Ella, how are you?
Ella: Tickle Tickle Tickle (tickles his belly)
Seminary Teacher: Um, you're not supposed to do that to people, sweetheart...
Yes, my children both sexually harassed the Seminary Teacher. Within an hour. So very proud.
So what are your plans this week? Hitting the Vortex? If you are, you should totally call me....
Hey could Colby use hitting the Vortex as a school project? hmmm. We love your posts. We laugh out loud frequently...and your kids are super Awesome!!! We talked to the Gretch today on the phone, and are oh so excited to come and see you guys (maybe if you guys are there). We love you!!!
You danced at the Vortex (or as I like to call it, "where the wild things are") and are now surprised you have children who sexually harass seminary teachers? C'mon, Apryl, you reap what you sow, especially when you're sowin' your wild oats! I rue the day my Vortex karma comes back to haunt me- Matia's already stealing looks at the "sexy" halloween costumes and Skye runs around naked all the time. Face it, we're gonna have to start the first LDS convent to save our girls from our youthful foibles. LDS nuns would rock! It would be "homemaking" 24/7, what fun.
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