So remember how much I love Ella's kindergarten teacher? Yes, she is fabulous & amazing & wonderful. They had the most amazing Halloween party on Thursday. I'm pretty sure I heard 3rd graders walking down the hall, complaining about how lame their parties were compared to the awesomeness that was Ella's class party. They decorated pumpkins (that they got at the pumpkin patch on their FIRST FIELD TRIP EVER on Monday. Bus ride and everything. They even had matching tie-dyed shirts, though since they wear a uniform anyway, I wasn't sure why they needed matching tie-dyed shirts.....but still fun.) They made spider hats. They put chocolate pudding and gummy worms in cups and ate them. They played musical chairs. And they had a DANCE OFF. Seriously, I love her teacher. Kindergarten dance-offs are just as amazing as 5-year-old-birthday-party dance offs. One kid even tried some break-dancing moves. (TRIED.) Love.
Also, I did catch Gretchen stealing treats off kids plates at the party. How many times? THREE TIMES. (I was "helping" with the pumpkin painting station and otherwise occupied. 5 year-olds wielding paint is a dangerous thing. But so is Gretchen...)

We got a picture of Ella with her teacher in costume. Even though this is only what Ella was for her first Halloween party. There were 4 costumes in all this year.

For our SECOND Halloween party, we went to the church's Trunk or Treat. Everyone (well, in this case, about 10 cars. Bad turnout.) shows up in the parking lot and the kids go from car to car and collect candy. Wham bam, thank you mam, thirty minutes later you come home with a bunch of candy. Short & sweet.
Gretchen is powering through her tears in this photo to smile for the camera. Shocking, but I don't remember what was upsetting her. I probably took away yet another piece of candy that she somehow aquired. This kid has Mutant-Powered-Candy-Sense. It's her super-power.

For Ella's 2nd Halloween appearance, she was a cat.

We finally got around to carving our pumpkins 2 hours before Halloween. How cute is this? She drew that "scary" face all by herself.

She's actually only kidding about being mad in this picture....

...but not in this one. (I took away the blue sharpie. Blue sharpie + Gretchen = BAD IDEA.) But Ella was happy.

Dressing up as a kitty is the easiest costume ever. Kudos to Aunt Terry for giving me the MOST AWESOME leopard print coat ever. I love you Aunt Terry!

We went to our friends house for dinner and Trick Or Treating.

Their oldest son, "Hank", earned his keep by scaring small children. And a lot of moms. We didn't have to wait for the doorbell, we just listened for screams of petrified trick-or-treaters.

Did anyone notice that in none of Ella's Halloween Appearances, was she Casper The Friendly
Ghost? Yeah. So much for planning ahead.
Gretchen Extreme Closeup.

Cute! I was happy my kids had 1 costume; kudos to you for doing 4. Man, girl costumes are (I probably shouldn't say this but I will) lots more fun than boy ones. I just cannot get excited about GI Joe or Iron Man. Sorry! Does that make me a bad mom?
Ok, that video is the cutest ever! i can't believe the Gretch is getting so big! I mean we see pictures of her every week, but the video was so fun. I can't wait to see her. Your girls are just so spunky and awesome. They always make me laugh...your life is definitely not boring.
Well I hope you were telling me about the Christmas CD because I am going to get one...or maybe you were just listing the challange or creating a CD better than yours. We will see how this thing shakes out. We did miss you at the movie night and hope we can have one this summer if the Stotts are coming to town.
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